Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The main building blocks constituting the HSEQ integrated management system are health and safety at work, especially during drilling and workover operations. In the oil & gas industry, a first-rate occupational health and safety system is an essential prerequisite and one of the principle requirements of our clients. MND Drilling & Services assigns a high priority to the issue of health and safety, irrespective of whether working for foreign investors in Central and Eastern Europe or conducting projects throughout the Czech Republic or at our own facility in Lužice.

The company’s general principles are as follows:

  • occupational safety and health and environmental protection are just as important as all other business activities and, as such, form an integral part of the management’s responsibilities,
  • the objective is to achieve an accident-free work environment at all of our drilling and workover sites, as well as at all other workplaces operated by the company,
  • each individual is responsible for his/her own safety and the safety of his/her co-workers,
  • proactive approach to safety issues at all levels of management,

The OHSAS Certificate, first awarded in 2009, has been successfully renewed every year since then.